The florist ties a bouquet of red and pink roses combined with limonium and eucalyptus.
A bouquet that makes the heart beat a little extra hard. The florist has created a bouquet that is both romantic and modern. A bouquet consisting of red and pink roses combined with limonium and eucalyptus. A bouquet that is as beautiful as it is unique. Capture the attention of the recipient with this spectacular bouquet that is filled with life and color. Our rose bouquets are always fresh and fresh. We strive to create beautiful bouquets that are as long-lasting as possible. We take care of our flowers with the utmost care so that they are perfect when they arrive at the recipient. Send a bouquet that will impress. Give a bouquet that is filled with love and joy.
We help you convey a bouquet throughout Sweden.
The flower value affects the following
The size of the bouquet
The choice of flowers
The choice of flowers is influenced by the following
The flower value
Daily assortment
The picture does not correspond to the final result.