The florist ties a cool, tough and masculine bouquet with a mix of illex, thistle and banksia
Father's Day bouquet - Tough! If you are looking for the perfect gift for your dad on Father's Day, this tough bouquet is the perfect choice. The florist ties a cool, masculine bouquet with a mix of illex, thistle and banksia. The bouquet is a great way to show your dad that you appreciate him, whether he loves fishing, shooting or just enjoying nature. This bouquet has a unique style that will really impress your dad. The bouquet is filled with colorful flowers that give it a cool and modern look. The bouquet is a perfect way to say thank you to your dad for everything he has done for you. So give your dad a Father's Day bouquet - Tough!
The flower value affects the following
The size of the bouquet
The choice of flowers
The choice of flowers is influenced by the following
The flower value
Daily assortment
*The image does not correspond to the final result but is used as a basis for the design.
*Recommended flower value is SEK 349