Bukett Rostig

  • 333.47 NOK

In stock.
Supplier: Kreativa Blomster

The florist creates a bouquet with a real autumn feel

Welcome to Bukett Rostig, a bouquet that gives you the real autumn feeling! We have created a unique bouquet that captures autumn's lively colors and tones. The bouquet contains musty rust, red light to dark, all in fine harmony with the flowers of the season. This bouquet is a perfect way to celebrate fall and celebrate the beautiful colors that come with it. The bouquet is full of energy and life that is representative of the joy of autumn. To get the most out of the bouquet, be sure to place it in a place where you can enjoy its beauty. The bouquet is a perfect gift to give to someone special and show your love and appreciation. Bukett Rostig is a bouquet that will give you the real autumn feeling!

The flower value affects the following

The amount of flowers and thus the size of the bouquet

The choice of flowers


*The image does not correspond to the final result but is used as a basis for the design.

*Recommended floral water SEK 425